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If you want high resolution graphic exports, you can save the PDF format using the File/Save as menu item (see Quartz device). Or you can use supported formats in R through pdf(), jpeg() etc. (type ?capabilities to get more details).
Drag and drop of a directory on the R.APP icon while R.APP is notrunning will start R.APP and set the working directory. By default.RData and the history file (default name .Rapp.history)are fetched from this working directory. If a file is dropped on theR.APP icon while R.APP is not running, R.APP is started, the fileis either restored (if it is a saved workspace), sourced into R.APP oropened in the selected editor. Whether the file is opened or sourced isspecified by a Preference setting in the StartUp Preference Pane.
Here you find self explanatory menu items for manage your workspace inR. You can either load and save the workspace also by specifying filename. All of these are interfaces to the load andsave R commands. The only relevant item, which is specificto this GUI, is Browse workspace which invokes thebrowseEnv() function in R. This will open a window with asummary description of the objects in your workspace. Recursive objects(like lists, data.frame etc) can be expanded (one level only though).
You can save the content of the quartz device window into a PDF file,via the R menu when the device window has focus. This is a simpleway to export high quality graphics from R into other applications onmacOS as graphics is PDF-based (so are almost all applicationsavailable). For other solutions, see (see Copying the image into the clipboard) and the quartz.save function.
R.APP will by default save the history in a .Rapp.history filewhereas command line R will use .Rhistory. So the savedhistory is only used in subsequent R.APP sessions and not command-lineR, and conversely.
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